This area includes important riparian habitat in the East Fork Illinios River and Sucker Creek for Coho Salmon and Pacific Lamprey.
COA ID: 101
Recommended Conservation Actions
- Acquire instream water rights to augment streamflows downstream of areas with high coho rearing densities, including Sucker Creek and the East Fork Illinois River, to produce more fish.
- Artificialy augment gravel downstream of dams that cannot be removed.
- Maintain or reestablish cottonwood galleries in floodplain.
- Mimic historic disturbance regime with fire and mechanical treatments to restore Ceanothus Shrublands.
- Promote the development of mature riparian habitat in natural bar or floodplain areas in the forks of the Illinois River to improve junvenile Fall Chinook habitat.
- Replace annually constructed push up dams with water pumps.
- Restore ambient streamflow, riparian vegetation, fish passage, and in-stream structure.
Local Conservation Actions and Plans
Potential Partners
- Bureau of Land Management
- Oregon Parks and Recreation Department
- Southern Oregon Land Conservancy
Special Features
Previously Associated With
- 2006 COA ID KM-10 (East Fork Illinois River)
- 2006 COA ID KM-11 (Oregon Caves-Applegate area)
Protected Areas
- French Flat
- Greyback
- Illinois River Forks State Park
- Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest
Strategy Habitats
Late Successional Mixed Conifer Forests
Late successional mixed conifer forests provide a multi-layered tree canopy, including large-diameter trees, shade-tolerant tree species in the understory, and a high volume of dead wood, such as snags and logs.
Oak Woodlands
Oak woodlands are characterized by an open canopy dominated by Oregon white oak.
Ponderosa Pine Woodlands
Ponderosa pine woodlands are dominated by ponderosa pine, but may also have lodgepole pine, western juniper, aspen, western larch, grand fir, Douglas-fir, mountain mahogany, incense cedar, sugar pine, or white fir, depending on ecoregion and site conditions. Their understories are variable combinations of shrubs, herbaceous plants, and grasses.
Flowing Water and Riparian Habitats
Flowing Water and Riparian Habitats include all naturally occurring flowing freshwater streams and rivers throughout Oregon as well as the adjacent riparian habitat.
Wetlands are covered with water during all or part of the year. Permanently wet habitats include backwater sloughs, oxbow lakes, and marshes, while seasonally wet habitats include seasonal ponds, vernal pools, and wet prairies.
Strategy Species
Acorn Woodpecker (Observed)
Melanerpes formicivorus
California Mountain Kingsnake (Observed)
Lampropeltis zonata
California Myotis (Observed)
Myotis californicus
Clouded Salamander (Modeled Habitat)
Aneides ferreus
Coastal Cutthroat Trout (Documented)
Oncorhynchus clarki clarki
Coastal Tailed Frog (Modeled Habitat)
Ascaphus truei
Coho Salmon (Documented)
Oncorhynchus kisutch
Common Nighthawk (Observed)
Chordeiles minor
Cook’s Desert Parsley (Observed)
Lomatium cookii
Del Norte Salamander (Observed)
Plethodon elongatus
Fisher (Modeled Habitat)
Pekania pennanti
Flammulated Owl (Modeled Habitat)
Psiloscops flammeolus
Foothill Yellow-legged Frog (Observed)
Rana boylii
Fringed Myotis (Observed)
Myotis thysanodes
Grasshopper Sparrow (Observed)
Ammodramus savannarum perpallidus
Hoary Bat (Modeled Habitat)
Lasiurus cinereus
Howell’s Mariposa Lily (Observed)
Calochortus howellii
Howell’s Microseris (Observed)
Microseris howellii
Lewis’s Woodpecker (Observed)
Melanerpes lewis
Long-legged Myotis (Observed)
Myotis volans
Marbled Murrelet (Modeled Habitat)
Brachyramphus marmoratus
Northern Spotted Owl (Observed)
Strix occidentalis caurina
Pallid Bat (Modeled Habitat)
Antrozous pallidus
Purple Martin (Observed)
Progne subis arboricola
Red Tree Vole (Observed)
Arborimus longicaudus
Ringtail (Modeled Habitat)
Bassariscus astutus
Silver-haired Bat (Observed)
Lasionycteris noctivagans
Siskiyou Mountains Salamander (Modeled Habitat)
Plethodon stormi
Townsend’s Big-eared Bat (Modeled Habitat)
Corynorhinus townsendii
Wayside Aster (Observed)
Eucephalus vialis
White-headed Woodpecker (Observed)
Picoides albolarvatus
Yellow-breasted Chat (Observed)
Icteria virens auricollis