There are 63 plants and algaeĀ identified as Strategy Species in the Oregon Conservation Strategy.
Applegate’s Milkvetch
Astragalus applegatei
Arrow-leaf Thelypody
Thelypodium eucosmum
Big-flowered Wooly Meadowfoam
Limnanthes floccosa ssp. grandiflora
Boggs Lake Hedge Hyssop
Gratiola heterosepala
Bradshaw’s Desert Parsley
Lomatium bradshawii
Bull Kelp
Nereocystis luetkeana
Cascade Head Catchfly
Silene douglasii var. oraria
Coast Range Fawn Lily
Erythronium elegans
Cook’s Desert Parsley
Lomatium cookii
Crinite Mariposa Lily
Calochortus coxii
Cronquist’s Stickseed
Hackelia cronquistii
Crosby’s Buckwheat
Eriogonum crosbyae
Cusick’s Lupine
Lupinus lepidus var. cusickii
Davis’ Peppergrass
Lepidium davisii
Dwarf Meadowfoam
Limnanthes floccosa ssp. pumila
Gentner’s Fritillary
Fritillaria gentneri
Golden Buckwheat
Eriogonum chrysops
Golden Paintbrush
Castilleja levisecta
Greenman’s Desert Parsley
Lomatium greenmanii
Grimy Ivesia
Ivesia rhypara var. rhypara
Howell’s Mariposa Lily
Calochortus howellii
Howell’s Microseris
Microseris howellii
Howell’s Spectacular Thelypody
Thelypodium howellii ssp. spectabilis
Howellia aquatilis
Kincaid’s Lupine
Lupinus oreganus
Large-flowered Rush Lily
Hastingsia bracteosa
Lawrence’s Milkvetch
Astragalus collinus var. laurentii
Macfarlane’s Four o’Clock
Mirabilis macfarlanei
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Malheur Valley Fiddleneck
Amsinckia carinata
Malheur Wire-lettuce
Stephanomeria malheurensis
McDonald’s Rockcress
Arabis macdonaldiana
Mulford’s Milkvetch
Astragalus mulfordiae
Native Eelgrass
Zostera marina
Nelson’s Checkermallow
Sidalcea nelsoniana
Northern Wormwood
Artemisia campestris var. wormskioldii
Oregon Semaphore Grass
Pleuropogon oregonus
Owyhee Clover
Trifolium owyheense
Packard’s Mentzelia
Mentzelia packardiae
Peacock Larkspur
Delphinium pavonaceum
Peck’s Milkvetch
Astragalus peckii
Pink Sandverbena
Abronia umbellata var. breviflora
Point Reyes Bird’s-beak
Cordylanthus maritimus ssp. palustris
Pumice Grape-fern
Botrychium pumicola
Red-fruited Lomatium
Lomatium erythrocarpum
Rough Popcornflower
Plagiobothrys hirtus
Sea Palm
Postelsia palmaeformis
Sexton Mountain Mariposa Lily
Calochortus indecorus
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Shiny-fruited Allocarya
Plagiobothrys lamprocarpus
Silvery Phacelia
Phacelia argentea
Smooth Mentzelia
Mentzelia mollis
Snake River Goldenweed
Pyrrocoma radiata
South Fork John Day Milkvetch
Astragalus diaphanus var. diurnus
Spalding’s Campion
Silene spaldingii
Sterile Milkvetch
Astragalus cusickii var. sterilis
Surf Grass
Phyllospadix spp.
Tygh Valley Milkvetch
Astragalus tyghensis
Umpqua Mariposa Lily
Calochortus umpquaensis
Wayside Aster
Eucephalus vialis
Western Lily
Lilium occidentale
White Rock Larkspur
Delphinium leucophaeum
White-topped Aster
Sericocarpus rigidus
Willamette Daisy
Erigeron decumbens
Wolf’s Evening Primrose
Oenothera wolfii