Willamette Daisy

Photo Credit: Oregon Department of Agriculture


  • Species Common Name Willamette Daisy
  • Species Scientific Name Erigeron decumbens
  • Federal Listing Status Endangered
  • State Listing Status Endangered


Special needs

The Willamette daisy is found in seasonally-wet prairies and drier upland prairie sites, where woody cover is nearly absent and herbaceous vegetation tends to be low in stature.

Limiting factors

This species is endemic to the Willamette Valley. The Willamette daisy is threatened by habitat loss and habitat degradation due to lack of fire and encroachment of woody plants, loss of floodplain function, and displacement by invasive plants. Issues of few, mostly small populations may also be important.

Conservation actions

Continue prairie management where extant populations occur to maintain and expand populations. Identify suitable protected sites for introductions. Maintain or restore hydrology. Control invasive and woody plants through use of well-timed mowing, prescribed fire, and selected herbicide use, as appropriate. Collect seeds for storage and grow out for outplanting.

Key reference or plan

Oregon Department of Agriculture Plant Conservation