- Species Common Name Oregon Slender Salamander
- Species Scientific Name Batrachoseps wrighti
- Federal Listing Status Species of Concern
- State Listing Status Sensitive
West Cascades
The West Cascades ecoregion extends from east of the Cascade Mountains summit to the foothills of the Willamette, Umpqua, and Rogue Valleys, and spans the entire length of the state of Oregon. It is largely dominated by conifer forests, moving into alpine parklands and dwarf shrubs at higher elevations.
Willamette Valley
The Willamette Valley ecoregion is bounded on the west by the Coast Range and on the east by the Cascade Range. This long mostly level alluvial plain has some scattered areas of low basalt, and contrasts with productive farmland and large urban areas. It has the fastest-growing human population in the state resulting in challenges due to land-use changes.
Special needs
Oregon slender salamanders inhabit late-successional and second-growth forests. They are often associated with large-diameter, decaying Douglas fir logs and bark debris mounds at the base of snags. They may also occur in talus and lava fields that retain moisture, and areas with mixed coniferous and deciduous duff over mineral and organic soils. The latter duff accumulations are often found along margins of little-used roads, likely due to runoff patterns and substrate type. Oregon slender salamanders may clump together in groups to remain damp.
Limiting factors
Oregon slender salamanders are endemic to the Cascade Mountains of Oregon. The Columbia River limits their dispersal. Given their restricted distribution, Oregon slender salamanders are vulnerable to stochastic events. They require habitat complexity characteristic of late-successional and unmanaged, younger forests. They exhibit high site fidelity to breeding areas.
Data gaps
Improve understanding of habitat requirements. Determine longevity. Evaluate the effects of habitat fragmentation on genetics. Understand how upland forest management and riparian buffer widths affect population parameters.
Conservation actions
Maintain habitat with late-successional attributes suitable for this species.
Key reference or plan
Conservation Assessment for the Oregon Slender Salamander (Batrachoseps wrighti)
Life History Traits