Foothill Yellow-legged Frog

Photo Credit: Thomas Lossen


  • Species Common Name Foothill Yellow-legged Frog
  • Species Scientific Name Rana boylii
  • Federal Listing Status Species of Concern
  • State Listing Status Sensitive


Special needs

Foothill yellow-legged frogs utilize streams with coarse-substrate gravel bars, bedrock substrate with potholes, and low-flow backwaters. Unimpounded or large, functional stream systems may be needed to maintain long-term persistence of this species on the landscape.

Limiting factors

This species' range in Oregon has decreased due to habitat loss from hydrologic modifications for hydropower. Gravel bars and low-flow nursery areas have been lost in many areas. Foothill yellow-legged frogs may also be impacted by sedimentation and waterborne pathogens.

Conservation actions

Protect and maintain natural water flow patterns and streamside vegetation at priority breeding sites. Use results of feasibility studies to guide specific conservation actions and management decisions for reintroductions, particularly in the West Cascades and Willamette Valley ecoregions. Maintain connectivity across hydrologic corridors and river basins to support gene flow.

Key reference or plan

Conservation Assessment for the Foothill Yellow-legged Frog (Rana boylii) in Oregon

Life History Traits