The Oregon Conservation Strategy is a blueprint for conservation in Oregon.

The Oregon Conservation Strategy (also referred to as the Conservation Strategy or Strategy) is an overarching state strategy for conserving fish and wildlife. It provides a shared set of priorities for addressing Oregon’s conservation needs. The Conservation Strategy brings together the best available scientific information, and presents a menu of recommended voluntary actions and tools for all Oregonians to define their own conservation role.

The goals of the Conservation Strategy are to maintain healthy fish and wildlife populations by maintaining and restoring functioning habitats, preventing declines of at-risk species, and reversing declines in these resources where possible.

Strategy Components

  • Key Conservation Issues are landscape-scale threats that impact species and habitats throughout the entire state.
  • Ecoregions are delineated areas of the state with similar climate and vegetation. General characteristics, limiting factors, and recommended conservation actions are described for each of the nine ecoregions in Oregon.
  • Conservation Opportunity Areas help focus conservation efforts and financial investments in specific areas to increase the likelihood of long-term success over larger landscapes.
  • Strategy Habitats are native habitats of conservation concern that are essential to many Strategy Species within the state. A conservation overview, and list of limiting factors, recommended conservation actions, and available resources, is provided for each of the 11 Strategy Habitats.
  • Strategy Species are species of greatest conservation need that include wildlife, fish, invertebrates, plants, and algae. Information about special needs, limiting factors, data gaps, conservation actions, and available resources is provided for each of the 294 Strategy Species.
  • Monitoring includes strategies and guidance, citizen science, and data management on Strategy Species and Strategy Habitats statewide.
  • Conservation Toolbox describes recommendations for conservation in urban areas, education and outreach, information about Oregon’s planning and regulatory framework, and a list of voluntary conservation programs.
  • Oregon Nearshore Strategy provides detailed information about Oregon’s nearshore environment.


Recommended Citation

Oregon Conservation Strategy. 2016. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Salem, Oregon.

(Originally published in 2006, the Oregon Conservation Strategy was updated in 2016. This website presents the updated Oregon Conservation Strategy, and is the official State Wildlife Action Plan for Oregon.)