Sagebrush Sparrow

Sage Sparrow
Photo Credit: Dominic Sherony, Wikimedia


  • Species Common Name Sagebrush Sparrow
  • Species Scientific Name Artemisiospiza nevadensis
  • State Listing Status Sensitive


Special needs

Sagebrush Sparrows are found in shrub-steppe habitat, particularly big sagebrush communities. They require high shrub cover and low grass and litter cover in relatively large patches.

Limiting factors

Loss of sagebrush to high-intensity, high-frequency wildfires because of invasive grasses has adversely affected Sagebrush Sparrows. They avoid densely-growing, annual invasive plants, such as cheatgrass. Sagebrush Sparrows are also sensitive to habitat fragmentation and grazing practices.

Conservation actions

Maintain large patches (>400 acres) of shrub-steppe habitat, with sagebrush cover at 10-25% and height >20 inches, with <10% invasive annual grasses and open ground cover >10%.

Key reference or plan

Sagebrush Communities in the Intermountain West