Long-legged Myotis

A long-legged bat (Myotis volans) flying out of Pond Cave in Craters of the Moon National Monument, Idaho. Photo Credit: Michael Durham, https://www.flickr.com/photos/oregonwild/


  • Species Common Name Long-legged Myotis
  • Species Scientific Name Myotis volans
  • Federal Listing Status Species of Concern
  • State Listing Status Sensitive


    Special needs

    Long-legged myotis are found in forested areas. They are often associated with late-successional conifer forests or other forested habitat with late-successional components. They require large snags and hollow trees for day, night, and maternity roosts. They may also use bridges in forested habitat for night-roosting, and caves and mines for roosting and hibernating. They typically forage along riparian corridors and forest edges. In the East Cascades ecoregion, long-legged myotis are often associated with ponderosa pine, grand fir, and white fir.

    Limiting factors

    Long-legged myotis have low reproductive rates. Untimely bridge replacement may impact this species. Long-legged myotis are vulnerable to habitat loss, including reductions in late-successional conifer forests, hollow trees and large, newly-dead snags, and riparian areas.

    Conservation actions

    Maintain and create large-diameter hollow trees and large-diameter, tall, newly-dead snags in riparian and upland habitat. Maintain and restore diverse riparian areas. Complete bridge replacement and maintenance when bats are absent. Incorporate snags of pine and fir species into forest management plans.

    Key reference or plan

    ISSSSP Bat Grid Monitoring – Oregon and Washington