Chum Salmon, Coastal SMU

Chum Salmon
Photo Credit: Andrew Reding


  • Species Common Name Chum Salmon
  • Species Scientific Name Oncorhynchus keta
  • State Listing Status Sensitive
  • SMU/ESU/DPS/Subspecies Coastal SMU, Pacific Coast ESU


Special needs

Require stream gravel bars with upwelling flow and side channels near tidewaters for spawning. Migrate to ocean soon after emergence. Productive nearshore marine habitat that provides high-quality prey in sufficient quantity for rapid growth at time of ocean entry.

Limiting factors

Alterations of hydrology and watershed function. Fish passage. Marine survival. Loss of estuarine habitat.

Conservation actions

Maintain or restore aquatic, estuarine, and riparian habitat. Continue ongoing restoration efforts involving landowners, tribes, and agency partners (NOAA, NMFS, ODFW, OWEB). Manage for sustainable harvest.

Key reference or plan

Coastal Multi-species Conservation and Management Plan